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(647) 349-8585
​(647) 340 2425

Genital Brightening​​

Female Genital Brightening
(Pink Intimate System)

​​Pink Intimate System is an ideal solution for the aesthetic treatment of the female genital area, underarms, and nipples. Along with that, it is a highly-effective anti-ageing treatment for the genital area. Chloroacetic Acid (or MCA) is a derivative of Acetic Acid, which is very effective for treating skin blemishes. Mixing of​ MCA with Urea Peroxide increases its permeability in a safe way. The result is a lifting effect in the tissue and stimulating effect on the fibroblasts cells, which results into the creation of new collagen and elastin in the dermis.

The product of this process, Kojic Acid, blocks melanin synthesis and produces a brightening and lightening effect on the skin.

Another ingredient of Pink Intimate System, Rucinol, is capable of eliminating hyperpigmentation and reducing the production of melanin.

There are many other ingredients such as Glutathione (anti-oxidant), Genistein (with Estradiol-like effect), Bisabolol (healing and anti-inflammatory effect), Papain (delaying of hair growth effect), Retinol, and Vitamine B12.

What makes Pink Intimate System a unique product?
  • It makes a lifting effect.
  • It reduces hair growth.
  • It induces a brightening and lightening results.
  • It gives a soothing result.
  • It makes a revitalizing result.
  • Treatment of vaginal and perianal laxity
  • Biorevitalization of the vaginal area
  • Inguinal area Brightening
  • Brightening of the mons pubis and labia majora
  • Brightening of nipples
  • Lightening of armpits   

Protocol of treatment

Treatment is done through the application of the product on the area and massaging until complete absorption. The area will then be cleansed using a cotton ball soaked in water and then thoroughly dried.

The process should be repeated for at least 3 times. After finishing the treatment, a soothing cream will be applied.

To achieve a good result, the treatment should be repeated for 5-6 sessions at a weekly interval.

This treatment is not allowed to do on the presence of Hidradenitis Supporativa, during pregnancy, any skin problems, and exactly after shaving.
Book your Free Consultation Here!
